Effect of Redox Time on Carbon Based Purity Made from Coconut Shell Simple Carbonization

Zain Asrori, Lailatin Nuriyah, Djoko H Santjojo, Masruroh Masruroh


Purification of carbon from coconut shell has been done by redox reaction method. Carbon was produced with simple heating carbonization method at 700 °C. Oxygen reduction process from the carbon was carried at temperature of 350 °C for 200 mL/min and 300mL/min with the H2 flow rate for 60 min, 120 min, and 180 min. Synthesis of carbon through simple heating carbonization method obtaining (93.84 ± 2.21) % of carbon content. Redox time optimization method successfully increased levels of carbon purity up (97.87 ± 1.47) %. The increase in carbon content was caused by the loss of a functional group with carbon-oxygen bond (C-O) and sulfur (S-O), as evidenced from FTIR test results.


carbon; coconut shell; redox; time optimization

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21776/ub.natural-b.2013.002.02.7


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