Influence of Rice Seed Replanting Growth (Oryza sativa L.) Inpari-4 Varieties with Giving Frequency of Sound Waves
Has done research that aims to examine the influence of sound wave frequency of rice seeds of the shoots phase. Rice seeds Inpari-4 varieties planted at four growing medium in the sterofoam box with the treatment of the different frequncies of 10 Hz, 4 kHz, 7 kHz, 30 kHz and one growing medium without sound treatment which serves as the control plants. The test parameters were often observed as an indicator of plant, a lot of leaves, wet and dry weight of roots, root lenght, moisture content and test unison is growing. The result showed that there is a sound wave frequency value responded well by rice seed shoots in the process so that its growth into the optimal frequency of 4 kHz.
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