Dosimeter Response Personal Eye Lens Using TLD-900 (CaSO4: Dy) In Radiation Field Beta And Photon

Ni Kadek Nova Anggarani, Johan A.E. Noor, Bunawas Bunawas


Manufacturing and testing of eye lens dosemeter have been carried out using TLD detector CaSO4: Dy in beta radiation field. The results indicated a good response in reproducability and homogeneity with the acquisition of the response variations below 10%. The response to variations in beta energy indicated that the beta with energy below 0,7 MeV, represented by 85Kr, could not penetrate the filter layer, while high energy beta of 90Sr/90Y was able to penetrate the filter and provided response to 137Cs of 0.44 ± 0.07. Response to incidence angle of beta radiation showed dependence on the angle of incidence of irradiation. The response indicates the photon energy dependence on the energy below of 100 keV with angle response of radiation incidence on the energy 65 keV showed good results with the difference in readings against the irradiation of 0° maximum 20 %.


Beta; Eye lens dosemeter TLD CaSO4:Dy; photon; response

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