Determination of Wurung Crater Surface Temperature - Ijen East Java Using Landsat Image 8 as A Preliminary Study In the Geothermal Exploration Survey
Has conducted research using remote sensing methods being located in the mountain complex Ijen, Bondowoso - Banyuwangi, East Java as preliminary data to assist in the design of geothermal exploration survey. Remote sensing data used are images from Landsat 8. Landsat 8 infrared thermal image is processed as land surface temperature data. Processing land surface temperature using a single band. Methods in this study begins with finding NDVI (Normal Differential Vegetation Index), which is the value used to state how dense vegetation in an area. After it obtained the value of the fraction of vegetation and emissivity of land used for the determination of the distribution of land surface temperatures. The surface temperature of this land will be used as a guide in making the design of a geophysical survey in geothermal exploration further. Because geothermal areas associated with land surface temperatures were relatively high. Based on the results of data processing of remote sensing, land surface temperatures were relatively high in the area around the Kawah Wurung and Girimulyo that has a land surface temperature ranges between 3060ºC.
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